de Vries, J.Tweddell, SimonMcCarter, Rebecca2018-08-082018-08-082018-06de Vries J, Tweddell S and McCarter R (2018) Team-based Learning: Engaging learners and creating team accountability. UAS Journal: Journal of Finnish Universities of Applied Sciences. EAPRIL Special Edition. Learning (TBL) is a new teaching strategy that may take small group learning to a new level of effectiveness. TBL shifts the focus from content delivery by teachers to the application of course content by student teams. Teams work on authentic problems, make collaborative decisions, and develop problem-solving skills required in their future workplace. Prior to redesigning the MPharm programme according to TBL principles, several pilots were set up to research how students responded to this new way of teaching. One pilot focussed on the introduction of TBL as a phenomena and aimed to find out if and how TBL engaged students, how students were held accountable by their teams, and more importantly how that affected their lifeworld. Ashworth’s lifeworld contingencies provided the theoretical framework as it ranges from students’ selfhood, embodiment and social interactions to their ability to carry out tasks they are committed to and regard as essential (Ashworth, 2003).en© 2018 The Authors. Reproduced in accordance with the publisher's self-archiving policy.Team-based LearningEngaging learnersTeam accountabilityPharmacy educationTeam-based Learning: Engaging learners and creating team accountabilityArticleUnspecified