GENOVATE partner institutions2017-10-052017-10-052016GENOVATE partner institutions (2016) Report from Eportfolio: Successes and challenges in the implementation of Gender Equality Action Plans. Report from Eportfolio (D7.2) looks at GEAP implementation trends in general, while D6.2 focuses instead on the specifics of each partner's GEAP implementation experiences. The Report from Eportfolio presents the main advances and challenges regarding the 3 main areas of the GEAPs: gender equality in recruitment, progression and research support successes; working environment and culture change; and excellence in research and innovation through gender equality and diversity. It seeks to share lessons learned about GEAPs implementation.en(c) 2017 GENOVATE partner institutionsGENOVATE; Gender equality action plans; ImplementationReport from Eportfolio: Successes and challenges in the implementation of Gender Equality Action PlansReport